The other day a mother posted on my daughter's fifth grade class page urging parents to have a talk with their children about the misuse of the word "retard". It was both sad and infuriating. It got me thinking about how callous and insensitive our attitudes are toward mental illness and how misinformed we are as a society regarding mental health issues. We throw around terms like schizo, psycho, bipolar, crazy, mental, retarded as if they are interchangeable and as if it is acceptable to categorize people as such. As most of you know if you follow my blog, I have bipolar disorder. I don't want to lay out the clinical criteria for a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (BPD) or "educate you". Instead, I want to share with you my experience living with BPD. I'd wager a bet that it's probably different than you might think. And although this is my own personal experience, I don't think that I am an exception to the rule or outside the no...