I have a three year old, which means for the past year we have been in the throes of tattletaling. She has mastered this skill and made it into an art form which in turn has pushed the rest of us to become masters of extreme patience. We have worked so hard with her to get her to verbalize her feelings and talk with the person she’s upset with. It goes something like this: Mom! Henry’s teasing! Oh no! How did that make you feel? Mom, he’s just teasing, he’s not being a good listener! Are you feeling mad? No, I'm feeling frustrated! Well, did you talk to him about it and tell him how it made you feel? Henry, I feel frustrated because you’re teasing and that’s not being a good listener. I’m sorry, Ellamae. I won’t tease anymore. Ok, let’s go play! A hundred times a day. Over and over again. Feel it, express it, release it. Feel it, express it, release it. And I think it’s actually working. Truthfully, it has done...