It's fall and the busyness is ramping up again. Sometimes if feels as if busyness has become a status symbol. As if the busier we are, the more important we feel. We congratulate one another on putting so much on our plates and performing a circus act of juggling it all. It can even feel passively competitive whenever the conversation turns to our daily lives and we start regaling one another with our crazy schedules. Busyness has become so engrained in our lives that it feels as though it is essential and creates the illusion of purpose and productivity. We have grown accustomed to cramming five things into a day that is only meant for three. We talk about "making time", but it's a misnomer. We are only given 24 hours in each day and no matter how hard we try and push the limits, that's all we get. We're trying to make time instead of taking the time we're given. We've set the tempo of our lives to the forward moving pace of technolog...