I am a procrastinator... not always, but if I'm dreading something, it waits until the absolute last minute. The weather has been changing and there is no avoiding it, the kids need summer clothes. I hate changing over the closets. I'm sure I make it much more difficult than it needs to be, but all the sorting and weeding out, and organizing, and mess, and ughhhhhhhhhhhh... and it's all multiplied times three - über ugh. But last week, I tackled the beast. I turned up the music real loud, got my boxes and bags for organizing, and dove in. I ended up with all these little piles of clothes sorted by size, gender, and destination, and three clean closets and dressers. It wasn't nearly as horrid as it sounded in my head. In fact, for someone who tends to lean toward the compulsive side, it was actually kind of fun. Okay, so I really enjoyed it. At the end of the day, I was shaking my head at ...