Sometimes being brave and strong sucks. Sometimes being brave and strong is lonely and scary and confusing. And those old dysfunctional habits can look so comforting and familiar, it almost makes my heart ache with a homesick feeling for what used to be. No matter how destructive it was - it was home to my heart.
Forging a new path can be a lot less glamourous than it sounds. And being brave and sticking to it is hard. Maybe the brave thing to do is to admit that at this moment, I feel anything but brave and to just sit with it awhile. Maybe it's more courageous to sit in the muck, in the sadness and confusion, than to just plow ahead headstrong into the unknown, never stopping to catch my breath or to let the tears fall. That can't be brave. One of the most courageous things I've ever done was to sink into the sadness and trust that I would find my way out.
So tonight I will find strength in my weakness. I will be brave and face the sadness, knowing that there is goodness on the other side, and that my tender heart will heal yet again.
Forging a new path can be a lot less glamourous than it sounds. And being brave and sticking to it is hard. Maybe the brave thing to do is to admit that at this moment, I feel anything but brave and to just sit with it awhile. Maybe it's more courageous to sit in the muck, in the sadness and confusion, than to just plow ahead headstrong into the unknown, never stopping to catch my breath or to let the tears fall. That can't be brave. One of the most courageous things I've ever done was to sink into the sadness and trust that I would find my way out.
So tonight I will find strength in my weakness. I will be brave and face the sadness, knowing that there is goodness on the other side, and that my tender heart will heal yet again.
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