Apparently, it's been 3 years since I've posted. And maybe someday I'll either find the courage or the need to tell that story. So I'll pick up not where I left off, but where I find myself today and I'll move forward from here.
Can I please wear my own clothes?
No, we need to put those in the locker.
Do you still need us to stay here?
No, we got it – you guys can leave.
Please, can you just call my counselor? I have an appointment to see her tomorrow. Please.
Do you have a plan?
Stop saying those things.
I won’t, I won’t!
You have to throw away your pills! Please, get rid of them…
Ok, Ok, I’ll take care of it. Everything’s going to be okay.
It’s fine. It’s not your problem, it’s mine. I’ll fix it. You don’t have to worry about it.
Come with us, ma’am.
He threw away the pills. Please, just talk to Julie.
I work here.
I don’t want to stay here.
Do you know why I’m still here?
Let’s get you the help you need. I already cancelled my flight.
No, no, no…
Do you have a plan?
Will you make me stay?
Hello? My wife is having thoughts about hurting herself.
We need a grey gown in here.
Can I please wear my own clothes?
This is for your safety.
Do you have a plan?
Please help me.
**This just recounts part of the journey I've been on, I no longer find myself in such a desperate place. If you or anyone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts,
call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255
or visit**
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