Someone once said that it doesn't get any easier, but it gets better. They were talking about parenthood at the time, but I'm hoping that holds true for life in general. I've had one of those weeks where I've really been wishing that it would just get easier.
It started with my lawn. It just keeps growing, amazingly enough. I kept wishing I could just close my eyes and the lawn fairies would come and transform my overgrown mess into a perfectly manicured yard. There are no lawn fairies. I guess God spent all his chips on the tooth fairy and had nothing left over to create lawn fairies. So I had to make my own; of course they charge $17.50 a week, but it's money well spent if it makes things a little easier.
I think I've been wishing for a fairy godmother to grace me with her presence as well and just make my life easier, because being a single mom is a little bit tough sometimes. She hasn't come to visit just yet, but when she does - boy, do I have a long list for her! I can only hope that she too only charges $17.50 a week. If only wishing made it so...
But it doesn't. This week life woke me from my daydreams with a cold splash of reality. I was pleasantly surprised that after the shock of it, I actually found this dose of reality a little refreshing. Because it reminded me that I can do this. No, it's not going to get any easier any time soon, but every day it does get a little bit better. Even though there are good days and bad days, every day is a step towards something new. Every day I realize just what I'm made of, and every day I have three little reminders of why it is so worth all the effort. And I don't want to miss all that, staring out the window waiting for some fairy godmother.
So we will carry on, facing one giant at a time without any magic fairy dust. But it only takes one stone and a sling shot to bring down a giant, and I've got plenty of those in my back pocket.
It started with my lawn. It just keeps growing, amazingly enough. I kept wishing I could just close my eyes and the lawn fairies would come and transform my overgrown mess into a perfectly manicured yard. There are no lawn fairies. I guess God spent all his chips on the tooth fairy and had nothing left over to create lawn fairies. So I had to make my own; of course they charge $17.50 a week, but it's money well spent if it makes things a little easier.
I think I've been wishing for a fairy godmother to grace me with her presence as well and just make my life easier, because being a single mom is a little bit tough sometimes. She hasn't come to visit just yet, but when she does - boy, do I have a long list for her! I can only hope that she too only charges $17.50 a week. If only wishing made it so...
But it doesn't. This week life woke me from my daydreams with a cold splash of reality. I was pleasantly surprised that after the shock of it, I actually found this dose of reality a little refreshing. Because it reminded me that I can do this. No, it's not going to get any easier any time soon, but every day it does get a little bit better. Even though there are good days and bad days, every day is a step towards something new. Every day I realize just what I'm made of, and every day I have three little reminders of why it is so worth all the effort. And I don't want to miss all that, staring out the window waiting for some fairy godmother.
So we will carry on, facing one giant at a time without any magic fairy dust. But it only takes one stone and a sling shot to bring down a giant, and I've got plenty of those in my back pocket.
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